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The Committee on Literature and Literary Institutions reported leave to withdraw on petition of Timothy F. Hanscom and others - read and accepted, in concurrence.

Bill to incorporate the Bucksport Mill and Water Power Company came up from the House referred to the next Legislature. The Senate recede from their vote passing the said Bill to be engrossed, and for the same in concurrence.

Bill to establish a Seminary for the purpose of promoting useful learning and the better qualifying primary School Teachers came up from the House further amended and referred to the next Legislature. The Senate nonconcur with the House in their proposed amendment and refer the same to the next Legislature without the amendment. Sent down for concurrence.

Mr. Johnson, from the Joint Select Committee to which was referred an order relative to primary Schools, reported an order relative to primary Schools, reported that the same be referred to the next Legislature - read and accepted. Sent down for concurrence. Concurred.

Bill to establish a Municipal Court in the town of Augusta came up - the House adhering to their vote passing the same to be engrossed without the amendment. The Senate adhere to their vote passing the Bill to be engrossed as amended.

Resolve for the endowment of the Maine Teachers Seminary came up from the House referred to the next Legislature. The Senate