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485 On motion of Mr Purrington the Senate reconsider the vote whereby they passed the order relative to adjourning without day



 The Joint Select Committee on the subject of Fortification made a report submitting Resolutions read and accepted the report, and the same with the Resolves passed to be engrossed; and ordered that one thousand copies thereof be printed for the use of the members, and when printed for the use of the members, and when printed forwarded by the Secretary of State by mail to the several members of the present Legislature, in concurrence

On motion of Mt Jewett, Ordered, that when the Senate next adjourn till Monday morning nine oclock

On motion of Mr Miller

Ordered, that the Secretary of the Senate be directed to make up the Pay Roll of Josiah Merrow the full term from the commencement to the close of the present session - Also to make up the pay of Levi Johnson from the time the Secretary was directed to notify him of his election to the close of the session


Attest, William Trafton