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that no attendant shall leave the hall while on duty, during the hours of duty; that they shall be there in the hall or in the dining room. Q. What is that rule? A. That the attendant shall not be allowed in their room during the hours of duty, but shall be in the dining room veranda or hall. Q. You say they must remain in their dining room, veranda or hall? A. Yes sir. Q. When they are not there where are the patients?- those that are out are mingled together are they? A. Yes, sir. Q. Some of them subject to mania are they? A. Yes sir. Q. And sudden fury? A. Yes sir Q. Now you say that frequently these dangerous ones that are subject to mania are without any attendant being there in the hall? A. They are Q. What other rule is not obeyed? A. The rule that no attendant shall leave the hall without leaving word, or without permission. Q. Is there any rule in reference to patients being denied the right to have a knife or scissors or needle or sharp iron instrument? A. Yes, there is such a rule. Q. Have you ever known a violation of that?