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[written vertically twice on left side: BOORUM & PEASE "NOTEAR" (R) logo] Who's Who Inc. in the West Porter, Bernard Harden, cons. physicist, B. Houlton, Me., Feb 14, 1911., S. Lewis Harden and Etta Flora (Rogers) P., B.S. Colby Coll., 1932; M.S. Brown U., 1933: m. Margaret Eudine Preston, Aug 27, 1955. Physicist Acheson Colloids Corp., Port Huron Mich., 1935--40: research physicist Manhattan Dist. Engr. Princeton, N.J. Berkeley, Cal., Oakridge Tenn. 1940-45: cons. physicist pvt.practice, San Francisco and Pasadena, Cal., 1945---. Chmn.Bd. Bern Porter, Inc., Pasadena, 1957---, pres. Bern Porter Books, 1942---.,dir.Contemporary Gallery, Sausalito,Cal., 1947-50, West Coast Design Guild, Los Angeles, 1947 ---Fellow Tech. Pub. Soc., Los Angeles,1957-59: Asso.Fellow Am. [handwritten fix]Astranautical Soc., 1957-59 Member Am. Physical Soc., Inst. Radio Engrs. Am. Rocket Soc., Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Kappa Phi Kappa, Chi Gamma Sigma, Xi Epsilon Mu. Author, Editor Illustrator magazines and books, also maps, Work exhibited Comtemporary Gallery, Princeton U. Modern Ballet Center,Chugoku Mus., Japan, and others, Research in Colloids, Radio Activity, communications and space, Home 677 E-Colorado St., Pasadena 1, Cal.