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B.H. PORTER 6621 CALIFORNIA STREET SAN FRANISCO 21 CALIFORNIA April 12, 1956 State Library Augusta, Maine

Attention: Maine Author Collection Bernard Harden Porter, Houlton, Me Gentlemen:

At this time I am interested in bringing my collection up to date with articles,books,art,edited pieces etc.

Because I a very vague about the point where I stopped I am in a quandary whether to ask what you have or what you don't have of mine. Since the list has become quite lengthy in recent years perhaps the quickest way would be to ask your help in listing what you have and I can continue from there.

I also seem to remember that you assisted with the postage in some fashion and I am now wondering if you can also help on the basic cost of certain items and to what extent.

Thank you kindly for your cooperation in this matter.

Sincerely yours, B.H. Porter [handwritten signature]