Portland Pres Herald
Author Says
Maine Can Solve Its Own Problems
By JAMES A. MOORE District Correspondent
ROCKLAND - Maine bralns should be solving Maine problems, says a physicist-author who's just returned to his native state after years of world travel.
Bernard Harden Porter. who recently completed a year in Guatemala as consultant to a publish firm, believes that much of the advice he gave in that country is applicable to Maine's economic, technical and cultural woes.
com.Dieted a rear ;~ GuateJPala as consultant to a publlahlng flnri, believell ~ t mQCh of the advice he rave In that GOuntry 1a applicable to Mme's economtc, ~ c a l and cultural woes. . , 'Porter aallt> that ltf& aWdy of Maine people . ~dicates they ve the "bralnJ" to solve theJr . own probleml the Potent.ial la aometimea cic>rJqan t. . lie noted that e la "a 1old mine of knewl-edri 41nODI ti, r ret1re.d people who have tQ l(alne and the many young people Just h&nilnB arountt. 'Dhla knowledge should be di· rect.ed towarda aoIV1n1 Maine problems;" he said.
IN THE STATE are producln1 for the
weal"1Y out.etde the state," Porter said• ..We expedt; to atomach low prices because
of tht many obsolete methods we uie when our »ri.llll should ~ coming up with economic aolu• tion& ¥,d we wouldn't have to lose our agrlcul• 1lun. ~ atmoaph ere c,r oqr natural beauty either." Ia'lebtlon u a ,rofeaadon in Maine seems to have dlsappee,red and it ii time that it came back, he said. There should be new advancea by individual Maine inventors tackling modem daJ problems. TBS PATTER N 1n the put has been one of deveJ.Qpmenta originated in the state which 9ut• std 6*n .iearried on to· profit - "the sad part but mtQlbe ftU8 time it r,ould INt different." "Maine has exported lts brains - other people: ~ the impression there ll no partunlty. But nl>w that I am back I aee nothing but OPPortunlty in this state." Porter moved to Bockland because he hadn't learned m~ about tbe coast and its people 1n h1I formative ,ean In Aroostoo k County. BE'D . . . . TO SltE younr people ptded b1 older retired 11UC1itlves of many tleldl up · with anawm to all kinds of prob~ema. In Aroostook he feels people can profit bJ developing - J)0811bly through ..aietr own i,aper tnwrests - new "cllmate-contrbl packlqf q.. for Maine PQtatoes.
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