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1965 (continued) (centered)

representation of' foreign publishers of Finland, Spain, Norway, etc; ads for book services from P.O. 164, Ashland, Maine. The B.B. volume 468B appeared and attracted some attention from visiting friends of Kenneth Beaudoin working here in Huntsville. Wrote introduction in holograph for Man by William Faulkner and began the fantastic, no result relation with Quality Books of Philadelphia though their edition of the Fitzgerald bibliography did appear. Did a cover for Wormwood Review #19-20; published Stephen Kimble's thesis on Miller. Long awaited Mathematics for Electronics also appeared and was reviewed by local press and elsewhere to advantage. Made many sales; worked with John G. Moore on his projects including A Letter to come mainly during 1966. Spent vacations in Huntsville mainly exhausted. Collected most of Patchen's work and sent on to Colby where collection is grwoing rapidly of autographed works only via me. Attended opening of Huntsville library but mainly a secluded, frugal life saving everything for hope of an Institute of my own and a few gifted students. Mail from many writers, [worked x'd out] artists all wanting a chance. Sent out many types of own things including drawings, Founds and mss. Work with Rutledge about over . . . too tired to continue mainly. Still under pressures of the group to get along at work. Member of the local salon of Heva Dawkings, a kind of high point here culturally . . meeting at her farm home in Toney, Alabama.

1966 (centered)

TEAM . . Technical Engineering Associates Mobilized reorganized. Joined Volunteers for International Technical Assistance, DATA International Assistance Corps; Volunteers in Service to America; Service Corps of Retired Executives all as hedge for the future, similarly continuing on lists of Atomic Energy Commission, National Councol of Churches, CARE, Inc, Committe on Manpower Opportunites in Israel, Methodist Committee for Oversea Relief, Unitarian Service Committee, Far East Foundation, Church World Service, UNESCO all overseaa and begun mostly during early Waldwick days and earlier, ever hoping to make it overseas again at someone's expense. Answered many technical ads in local Huntsville papers on this basis also. Continue to get forms from UNESCO and Atomic Energy Commission, missing one post for former in Jacarta Indoinesia and signing on for one in Brazil . . all long processes requiring more self investigation or rather investigation of me, my past, references, etc. Renee B. Simon does a partial bibliography a start really on the BP collection at UCLA. Wife begins active daily self study of Spanish. Correspondence with Dick Higgins and his group around Something Else Press; Emily [illegible] Wallace and others. Approached by International Institute of the Americas in San Jaun but nothing happens. Published: Harry Bowden, His Studio and Work; Wernher von Braun: Bibliography and Selected Papers; Cut Leaves (two versions). Hansjoachim Dietrich promise to publish two art works in West Germany. Titles at work include: "Full Duration Captive Firing of S-IC Flight Stage Reliability Study" and "System Methodologies and Their Utilization". Worked with John G. Moore, Pasadena, on his publication "A Letter". Wrote 23 page ms additions for the french edition of Spoerri's Antodoted Topography; supplied Lawrence Lipton a long list of notes for his projected book on cultural progress in California 1945-1955 prior and his book tentatively called "The Grwoing Edge". Quality Books of Philadeplhia continues with delays, stalling, no answers even on phone calls. Published "Moscow", last of 1961 trip influences. Museum of Modern Art Library, New York completes its collection of my works totaling 18 titles in all