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July 1, 1929

Kenneth L. Roberts Kennebunk Beach, Maine

Dear Mr. Roberts:

For several years, the Maine State Library has been assembling a Maine Author Collection with the idea of creating here a permanent exhibition collection of books written by persons born in this state, or intimately associated with it. We are sending you a Maine Library Bulletin which contains an article about the Collection, written by Mr. John Clair Minot, at the time it was started, in 1922. We have met with a cordial response from every author to whom we have written, and the collection of the works of contemporary writers is steadily increasing.

At the recent session of the Maine Legislature a resolve was passed providing for a new State Library building. A feature of the building will be a room devoted to the Maine Author Collection, adequately accomodating the books and with facilities for research work by persons interested in Maine's literary development.

Since Maine has the honor of claiming you as one of her native authors, we wish the privilege of adding your books to the collection. We do not ask you to give us the books - we are very willing to pay for them - but we do ask you to autograph each book, and any explanatory notes relative to the writing of the book which you care to add will greatly enhance its present interest and future value. In connection with the collection we are assembling first hand biographical information about our authors, so will you please send us data about yourself - a photograph, and, if possible a photograph of your birthplace. We realize that we are asking a great deal, but we hope that your interest in your native state is great enough to induce you to take the trouble of assembling and autographing for us a complete collection of your works.

Will you please send us, when it is convenient for you to do so, the books on the enclosed list, with any others which may have escaped our attention. Please make your bill in duplicate to the Maine State Library.

We shall be very appreciative of your co-operation in making the Maine Author Collection complete.

Very truly yours,