WHAT! You don't know Goudy -- Lewis A! That storm cloud in the western sky: That goad upon the ox's flanks; that small pestiferous, pesky fly; That keen, incisive restless man, that worker for the people's cause; That butter-in, that troublous man; upsetter of the settled laws: That fiery prophet of the times; that uncompromising foe to graft; That "person" whose opponents swear is simply agitation-daft?
Such estimates you freely hear in mixed opinions of the man; -- Which only go to show that he's not built upon the common plan. My notion is, that, when a cause appeals to him, as just and right, No power on earth can Goudy keep from boldly joining in the fight; Aud when he's in it, to the neck, and walloping the other chap, They'd like to tackle Lewis A. and simply wipe him off the map.
He's had a bout or two you know with corporations and with rings. He's mixed it up a bit at times with water-works and other things, He's entered protests for the "folks," when deals monopolistic were In hazard of the people's rights and every time, as I infer. The critics of his course would pass the merry ha-ha and revile. But in the end, the ha-ha's changed and Goudy wears the smile.
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When such a man in such a time pipes such a helpful tune It strikes me that he fits a place in men of our cartoon.