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[image: A pen and ink caricature of a nicely dressed, mustached gentleman holding a number of sheaves of documents marked "North Boston Mercantile Fire Ins." with strips of paper hanging over his right arm listing organizations he belongs to. His left sleeve is rolled up and a full coal scuttle with a scroll marked "REP" is inserted in the coal. The coal scuttle is marked "Wholesale & Retail" on the outside.]


THIS adage holds in tilling lands Since lands were tilled of yore, That he doth serve who grows two spears Where one was grown before. The Spear that grows, as limned above, Holds place of such estate South Portland sure would welcome give To endless duplicate. With coal or wood---the rhyme is hard--- He'll make your fires bright, And if you fear they burn too much He'll your insurance write. You ask your neighbors, what of him, If stands his record, clear? The answer ever is the same, "No better man than Spear."