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Casuelties in this battle 123

Col said he never saw so few men straggling as they was thair. After they had go out of the way he got up and started for the left of there line and worked his way threw the woods by the left of thair line of battle and came into our camp safe but badly used up. He found the regt the next morning and went back to camp. After he got back to camp he found a bulet hole throught his pants and [?] leg. We lost in the regt one Sargt Killed. Wounded and missing about 30 men all together. My Co had only 3 men wounded, and only one of them went away from the company.

7th A stormy day. We lay in the old works by the run. Some skirmishing. The rebs shell us some. We hear that the comander of the army is well satisfied with the days operation. A good comander easyly satisfied.

8th A fatigue squad was sent out. We lay at the work all day. Mathew McElray found a revolver and bought it of him.