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Hd. Qtrs 20th Regt. Maine Vols 3 Bgd. 1st Div 5th Army Corps Army of the Potomac Camp at Beverly Ford on The Rappahannock River Virginia

September 3 1863

John L. Hodsdon Adjt. Gen. State of Maine


I wish to express to you in behalf of the regiment & for myself, our respect for the character and appreciation of the services of our late Surgeon, Major John Benson of Newport. His kindness & discrimination & the unusual assiduity with which he applied himself to the duties of his Office, rendered him Exceedingly useful and popular with the regiment, while his marked ability gave him at once high reputation with other surgeons of the Army.

It is a matter of unusual regret that failing health rendered it necessary for him to leave the service.

I have the Honor Genl. to be very

Respectfully your Obt. Servant.

Charles D. Gilmore Lt. Col. Commanding 20th Mine Vols.

                               ["over" underlined on right lower page]