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R. 1885, c. 223. R. 1887, c. 106. P.L. 1895, c. 104 § 1. R. 1895, c. 123. R. 1897, c. 171. R. 1899, c. 28. R. 1901, c. 154. R. 1903, c. 65. R. 1905, c. 73. R. 1915, c. 386. P.L. 1917, c. 293. R. 1917, c. 39. R. 1929, c. 138. P.L. 1931, c. 216, Art. VII, § 7. P.&S.L. 1931, c. 116. P.L. 1933, c. 2, § 1. P.L. 1947, c. 332, § 1. R. 1947, c. 179. R. 1949, c. 189. P.&S.L. 1957, c. 184. R. 1957, c. 47. P.&S.L. 1959, cc.154; 155.

12.22--Commission to Investigate Settlers on Lands in Madawaska Territory.[underlined] Created by R. 1887, c. 76.

Duties--report to the Governor and Council on the condition of said settlers, the nature of their rights to the lands claimed, and the terms of their settlement.

Members--1 or more appointed by the Governor and Council.

Legislative History:[underlined] R. 1887, c. 76.

12.23--Commission to Provide Fair Treatment to Settlers in Madawaska Territory.[underlined] Created by R. 1889, c. 228.

Duties--contract for and purchase whatever land is necessary in said territory to provide fair and just treatment fro settlers there.

Members--3 appointed by the Governor and Council.

Legislative History:[underlined] R. 1889, c. 228.

12.24--Forest Commissioner.[underlined] Created by P.L. 1891, c. 100, § 1.

Duties--collect and classify statistics relating to forests
