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�We received orders this morning at 1 oclock to march. we was all ready to start at 2 oclock. Started at 3 oclock, came to Middletown go there abought 11 oclock A.M. there we received orders, that a large force of rebels was cutting off our communication with Winchester. We found the rebels posted in a piece of woods. with Artillery Cavalry and Infantry. we found them to strong for us. and we had to fall back into the town. The rebels followed us out. and nearly surrounded us. before we found it out. they commenced to

35 fire at us. with shot and shell. We then received order to charge and cut our way through and git on the road to Winchester. We charged by the rebels battires. but with a terrible loss of killed and wounded. Three Companies of the 1st Maine Cavalry was all cut up. We got by the enemy and retreated toward Winchester. We met our Artillerys and Infantry. they went and met the enemy and fought them until 10 oclock at night our forces then fell back to Winchester. it was 12 oclock when we got to Winchester. we layed down on the ground