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46 June 9th We started again this morning at 9 oclock and came to Martinsburg but did not stop ther only a few moments just to rest our horses. we started again and came abought 5 miles this side of Martinsburg to the town of Rockville and camped for the night. we have come abought 20 miles to day.

June 10th Started again this morning at 7 oclock. came abought 26 miles to day. came through Winchester but did not stop there. came abought 5 miles this side of Winchester and camped for the night. It has rained all day long very hard and we are


all wet and tired and hungrey and we have got to lay down on the ground without eny tents to night and the rain is pouring down in torrents. but this is Soldiers life and we have got to make the best of it and enjoy ourselves well as we can. but I believe that I had rather be to home to night if I could where there is a good warm fire and a good dry bed to sleep in.

June 11th we was ready to start again this morning at 7 oclock. It has stoped raining and cleared off and it is a fine morning. I slept pretty well