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64 July 21st

  We was paid off this morning at 9 oclock. I received 24 dollars. $28 went home on the allotment Roll. soon as we got paid off 2 Companies of us started off on a 2 days Scout.
  We went I should think abought 24 or 25 miles and then Camped for the night. we had eny quantity of good hay for our horses. we camping night in a hay field where the hay was all cut and hayed in good shape. I was on guard to night. went on at 12 oclock and stood till daylight this morning.


July 22nd

  We started again this morning and came back to Camp got in to Camp abought 5 oclock P.M. We found that our Rigement has gone to the town of Waterloo and the whole army that was there to Warrenton had moved to Waterloo 8 miles from Warrenton. 
  We camped down for the night without much to eat for they had taken every thing with them.

July 23rd

  We came to Waterloo this morning where the rest of our Rigement was. we are going to stay here to day and prehaps to marrow.