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72 August 11 this morning all of the Cavalry was ordered on to the battlefield. to protect our soldiers while they buryed the dead and carryed off the wounded. a good many of the wounded had lain on the field from Saturday till Monday morning. There is a body of rebels still on Ceder Mountain. we came back off from the field and went out scouting was gone all day.

August 12

  went out on Picket guard to day. was on 9 hours without being relieved.

73 August 13 Still on guard. we was relieved this morning after noon at 4 oclock. we had a narrow escape to day. a whole brigade of our Infantry went out to discharge there muskets. they discharge them into a piece of woods where we was on guard not knowing we was there. the bullets fell around us like hail stones.

August 14 we was in camp all day. I wrote a letter home to day. received 4 letters.

August 15

  we marched to the rapidan river to day.
  The rebels are on the other side.