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86 September 2nd

  We left Centerville last night abought 12 oclock and came here to Fairfax Court House. I am still ordly now for General Porter. Stoped here abought 2 hours. Then we started again and come abought 13 miles and Camped for the night. we are now within 7 miles of Washington.

September 3rd

  This morning come abought 2 miles to a place called Munson's Hill. and here General Porter has Established his Head Quarters. I had to go with a dispatch to General Morril this evening after I had retired in the night a dispatch come 


and I had to git up and saddle up my horse and carry the Dispatch over to General Morrill headquarters and from there to General Butterfields headquarters.

September 4th To day I went Alexandria our wagons are there. had considerable trouble in finding them. found a letter there for me it was from home. when we came back to camp we got lost. it was near ten oclock before we got to our camp. we are abought 6 miles from Alexandria.

  There has been some fighting going on at Chain Brige to day.