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88 September 5th

  We stayed in camp all day to day for the first time since the 9 day of August. I wrote a letter home to day.

September 6th

  In camp all day to day. wrote a letter to a friend in the 8th Maine Rigement to night. General Porter moved his headquarters to within one mile of Washington. We are now encamped close by the river near Canell Bridge.

September 7th To day 10 of our Company are detailed as Orderles to carry dispatches. I am one of them. at 4 oclock P.M. I went with dispatch to General Tylers Head quarters at Fort Richerson. went there again in the evening.


September 8th We was in Camp all day

September 9th

  General Porter moved his Headquarters to day abought one mile down the river to what is called the Allington House.

September 10th

  I was in Camp most all day. went up to the 20th Maine Rigement in the after noon and see some of the boys from Bingham and Solon

September 11 I am on ordley duty again to day. went to the 1st Ohio Cavalry with a dispatch and went down to Fort Richerson with one. it has rained some to day