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96 Sept 27

  Just one year ago to day I Enlisted so I have served one year of my time in this year I have seen a great deal. And I have suffered a good deal. I am pretty well worn out. I dont know what I shall do if the war last 2 years longer. if I should live through it. I dont think I should be worth much. at the end.
  We are still at Sharpsburg. I am gaining strength again pretty fast. I hope I shall be able to do duty again in a few days.


Sept 28 To day is my 23rd birth day. one year ago and I was free to go and come when I wanted. but now I am worse then a slave I do with this damdable war would close. but it looks so now that it was just begining.

Sept 29

  We are at Sharpsburg I hope we shall leave here soon for we have to go nearly a mile to git water I feel worse to day

Sept 30

  Still at Sharpsburg I am pretty sick to day have not eat scacly enything.