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102 October 15th To day it is cloudy weather and pretty cool. I am on Stable guard to night. it is the first time that I have been on guard for month and some more but I dont feel able to stand guard to night. now that is sartin but I suppose I have got to do it for the Doctor has marked me for duty. I should like to know who knows best how I feel me or the Doctor. well they will say if you know more then the Doctor why then take the Saddle bags. I believe I shall take the Saddlebags for I think I know best how I feel.

103 October 16th To day I got a pass and went down town and bought me some flower and some potatoes and some butter and apples..I will bet I will have 3 or 4 good meals eny how. but it is pretty high livig flour at the rate of $10.00 per barrell. potatos $2.00 per bushel. apples $1.50 per bushel. butter 40 cents per pound. I bought 10 pounds of flour 1 peck of potatos 1 peek of apples a pound of butter. so that will make me several good meals. wont I live now. whew.

  There has been heavy