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112 October 31st

  We had an Inspection of Arms to day and we was mustered for pay. It has been a pretty warm day and it has seemed very much like Sunday. Nothing of eny interest has taken place most of the troops have left here and have crossed over the river into Virginia. We are going to report to Gen' Gordon in the morning.

November 1st

  We moved our Camp this morning to Gen' Gordon's Headquarters at the village of Sharpsburg. Heavy cannonading is heard to day in the direction of Charlestown Va. I guess they are having a battle. 

113 November 2nd I was on Ordly duty yesterday and last night. I come off this morning at 8 oclock It is rather pleasant weather to day. it is Sunday.

November 3rd It has been cold and windy to day. at sunset I was detailed to go and stand guard over some beef cattle abought 1 mile from Camp. it was a very cool night to stand guard.

November 5th It has been pretty warm and pleasant to day. I am on guard to day shall not be relieved till tomorrow morning