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May, Thursday, 28. 1863. We was relieved this morning at 9 oclock and came back into Camp at Bealton Station received a letter from home this afternoon. The weather has been quite warm to day.

Friday, 29. We was in Camp to day at Bealton. I was on [illegible] duty in the forenoon helping to unload a train of Car's loaded with supplies did not do anything in the afternoon. The weather has been pretty warm to day showering in the afternoon.

Saturday, 30. I was on Stable guard last night was relieved this morning. At 9 oclock we had to saddle up and come out on Picket Guard, at Warrenton Junction. The Rebels came in near here this morning and burnt [crossed out three words] a train of Cars. I had to carry a dispatch to Gen Gregg at Bealton Sta. he soon sent a force in persuit of the Rebels.

May, Sunday, 31. 1863. Last night our Division moved up here to Warrenton Junction and we had to go out abought 3 miles farther and stand Picket on the Warrenton and Cattles Station road. We scouted till 12 oclock and then stood Picket the rest of the night and to day. our Pickets was fired upon today by Guerrillers.

June, Monday, 1. We was releived from Picket last night at 5 oclock by the 2nd Rugulars Cavalry and we came into Camp at Warrenton Junction have been in Camp all day. wrote a letter home and received one from a friend in Bingham Maine. The weather has been hot to day.

Tuesday, 2. To day I was in Camp till 4 oclock in the afternoon then I went on Camp guard nothing of eny consequence has taken place. The weather has been pretty warm.