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� Page 4[illegible may be a 3]. Records. of. George. N. Spurlings. Family. George N. Spurling Was Born[?inserted here at an angle is S. of Enoch & Hannah] January 26th 1818. Abigail. his. Wife. Was. Born. July. 7th. 1817. Elmena. T. Spurling. Was. Born. Aug. 19th. 1840. Lucinda. G. Spurling. Was. Born. October 11th 1842. George. H. Spurling. Was. Born. September. 20th. 1845. Benjamin H. Spurling. Was. Born. July. 22nd. 1849. [In pencil, between the lines: Stevens - Bucksport] Ann. M. his. Wife. Was. Born. November 25th 1836. Hannah. E. Spurling. Was. Born. December. 24th 185[black mark ?]. Ada A. Spurling was Born March [?] 7th 1855. Everett S. Spurling was Born May 10. 18[?illegible 3rd #] 8. Archie S. Spurling was Born July. 17th 1861. Edward A. Spurling was. Born Nov. 7. 1863. [There is a purple X placed before the name.] Fredie? R. Spurling was Born Nov. 1st 1865? [In purple ink] Lucelia A. Spurling was Born Sept. 16, 1866. Sarah Augusta Spurling was Born Mar. 28, 1872.

Records. of. Deaths. In. George. N. Spurlings. Family. Abigail his Wife. Died At. Cranberry Isles. April 12th 1852. Ada A. Spurling, " " " " March 6th 1860. Augusta S. Stevens was Drowned at Cranberry Isles Dec. 24th 1865. [In purple ink] Lucelia A. Spurling Died At Cranberry Isles December [fades out]. Ann his [written above the line is '2nd'] Wife died at Cranberry Isles April 18th 1880.