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�[Illegible sentence, very faint] Page 65 Records of William P. Bunkers Family William P. Bunker was Born [in black marker: Cr. Isles] May 4th 1829 Hannah [in black ink: Gilley] Bunker his wife was Born June 3d, 1836. Willis E. Bunker. was Born March 6th 1855. George W. Bunker was Born Feb. 20, 1857. James H. Bunker was Born May 23, 1859. Emily A. Bunker [in pencil: Bub Mills] was Born December 3rd 1861. Zenaiah Bunker was Born July 24th, 1863. Ada A Bunker " " June 10th 1866. [In pencil: "Error" and line crossed out] Elisha G. Bunker, Born " " " Nov 26th 1870. Henry A. Bunker " " " May 18th 1872 Clara B. Bunker " " " May 1st 1874 Nellie A Bunker " " " [In pencil: July 20] May 18th 1875 Eva S. Bunker " " " Jan 1st ["31" is written below the 1st] 1877.

Records of Deaths in William P. Bunker's Family Ada A. Bunker, Died at Cranberry Isles, April 8th 1869 [year is very faint].