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Augusta, Dec. 2, 1808 D Sir,

Yours of the 28. inst. has been received. I had hoped you were possessed of the materials for making a complete inspection return of the 2. brigade -- because without that data, I cannot complete the Division orders for the detachment. But, as I must necessarily be absent the next week, & probably most of the week following, I deemed it incompatible with that promptness which the nature of the thing required to delay the matter until my return. I have therefore made the orders, except the mere calculation of detail for the rank & file on each [illegible] in the Division, & on each regiment in the 2. brigade-- & must leave that defect to be supplied by you & Major Howard together, as soon as you can effect it. When completed, I wish a number of copies to be printed sufficient to supply the 2. brigade with one for every company, field officer, [illegible - &c?] as you & Major Howard shall arrange it, & that the Division Order, together with the Gen Orders, the forms &c. lodged with major Howard, may be distributed as early in the next week as practicable. Other General Orders of the 15. alt. relative to the acceptance of volunteer corps are received -- but I apprehend these had better not be issued at present -- until the principles [?] of the first are pretty well digested -- to avoid confusion. If convenient, you will be pleased to enclose one of the printed copies of the Div. Orders to me at Portland [underlined], [illegible] mail, as soon as you shall receive them.

3 Field Officers 3 Chapl. Surgeon Mate 5 Adjt. Qm. Non-com staff 4 Sergt. for 8 comp. 32 Drums & fifes do. 16

                                60 to be de'd from the No. of Infantry required by the Division 688 - 60

leaves 628 rank & file [word crossed out] to be apportioned on each of the Brigades; & the proportion for the 2. brigade on each of the regiments herein, according to their strength. Enclosed I send to your care an acct. [illegible] the County for allowance at the next [illegible] -- & pray your attention to it. The resig. of Capt. Strout you will also please to forward Major Gannett [following is written upside down; one line is cut off] for making Detachm't of the U.S. service -- Nov. 30,1808