�26 Friday 10th Sept [all underlined] I rose sometime before sunrise this morning. The early air, in such weather as this, is refreshing + invigorating. If you don't believe it just try an experiment. One morning, rise before sunrise, walk to the Common, + with your chest full of fresh air [last 2 words underlined], return for a minute into your sleeping room - where you will probably find John Addison [name underlined] half alive + half dead, breathing with difficulty the poison ous gas that collect when animals [underlined] are shut up in small unventilated places. - + see if you won't believe what I say.
I see Wm. Andrews walking over the Bridge. I wonder if he would like to marry another fortune [?]. [last 2 words underlined] I believe I have written you that Mr. Small
talks some of leaving us. He has a pressing [underlined] call to go to China - 6 miles above Waterville.
Washington will leave here for the Aroostic
in 2 weeks. Tell John Addison I cash [underlined] the Sweet note for him. I pay the face of the note. I would have taken a sharing off, if Addison had sent word that he could afford it, + that [underlined] he wished me very much [underlined last 2 words] to do it. I am not greedy of gain, but I must have some better way of making the means for paying expenses, than fatting Levi Gammon's pigs, unless I can re= trench, or this world abates my tax.
Tell Addison to write home, soon [underlined]. Your's used outted [?] Z. Long