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Of artful demagogues who plan To humbug every one they can; - Enough to know what sort of measures Best guard the country's rights + Treasures.- To know when rulers grace their seats, And when they act like fools, or cheats; Depending most for comforts true [last 3 words underlined] On acts which God [underlined] requires of you, On practice of his truth + love, And duties Conscience [underlined] shall approve.- Examining his word to find What most exalts the human mind,- With daily prayer [2 words underlined], + humble trust, For joys eternal with the just. I'm mixing fun + seriousness Too much to please your taste, I guess, Too much for my own fancy, too, So I will now begin anew.

    I was a going to say, you see, 

That, on the morning, after we Had bid you, at the cars, good bye,- All feeling sad enough to cry, - And turn'd for home our sorry paces, The tempest raging in our faces,- Our heads unshielded ('tis a scandal That our umbrella has no handle) [last 3 words underlined] In Indian file we march's with speed, And Col. Parsons took the lead. We met a load of passengers Too late to get aboard the Cars,