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Sabbath morning 5th Sept. I have the relick of an old quill pen, made, I should suppose, some years ago, which was found in one of my drawers, the only thing I can find in this room with which I can make a legible mark. This is my apology for poor writing. I could not make my penmanship look as genteel as yours, had I the best [underlined] of pens. I am well pleased to see how well you write, and I notice but few words spelled [underlined] wrong. Don't you use one, n, that don't belong to Denison [underlined]? With a little pains, you will spell well.

    This is a very fine morning.  I was sitting under the cows while the sun was rising, + thinking of you [underlined] + John Addison who were probably in the land of dreams

The Liberal Democrats had a meeting yesterday, + nominated Hampson [?] Hutchinson, their candidate for Rep. to the Legislature, - quite a rush, + the prospect is, that he will be elected. I feel but little interest in the matter. I gave my note, yesterday, for $300. to extend the Buckfield Branch [underlined]. If our Railroad be discontinued [underlined], look out a nice, little, cheap, quiet, healthy place in the neighborhood of Boston, where I can remove, + board you, + Addison, + [?] How would that do? It will answer for a Castle in the air. I intend, if my health will admit, to go to Boston before the end of this month.