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The Government & People of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, York SS/

To the Sheriff of our County of York, his undersheriff or Deputy, Greeting

We command you to attach the Goods or Estate of Joseph Cane of York in our County of York Yeoman ~

to the Value of one hundred ~ pounds and for want thereof to take the Body of the Said Joseph ~ if he may be found in Your Presences and him Safely keep so that you have him before our Justices of our Inferiour Court of Common Pleas next to be holden at York within and for our Said County of York on the Second Tuesday of July ~ next then & there in our Said Court to answer unto Authur Came of York aforesaid ~

Yeoman in a plea of Covenant Broken for that the Said Joseph at York aforesaid on the 26th day of May 1773 Covenanted and agreed to and with the [insert] by a Certain Decd ... Bills of Late ... with his ......in Court to be produced [end insert] Covenanted and agreed to and which this is in manner following Viz Know all men by their Presents that I Joseph Came of York in the County of York Yeoman for and in consideration of the Sum of Eighteen pounds one Shilling and four pence Lawfull money in hand paid before the Delivery hereof by Arthur Came of York aforesaid Yeoman this Receipt whereof do hereby acknowledge have given Bargained and Sold and by their Presents do give Grant Bargain Sell Alience Convey and Confirm to the Said Arthur Came two Seventh's parts of a negro man named prince that formerly belonged to my Hon. Father Joseph Came Late of York Deceased to have and to hold the Said two Seventh's Parts of Said Negro and I the Said Joseph by these Presents do Warrant and Promise to Defend this Said two Sevenths parts of Said negro from the Lawfull Claims of all Persons whatsoever now this Plt. [plaintiff] in fact Saith that the Said Joseph not regarding his aforesaid Covenants has not Warranted and Defended this Said Seventh part of Said negro to him agreable to his aforesaid Covenant but [insert] hitherto hath and still [end insert] unjustly neglects to do this Same ~ by means whereof this Said Joseph hath not kept his aforesaid Covenants but hath wholly Broken the Same to the Plts [plaintiffs] Great Hurt. To the Damage of the Said Arthur Came as he Saith ~ the Sum of one Hundred pounds [text crossed out] which Shall then & there be made to appear with other due Damages and have you there this Writ [?] with Your doing therein Witness Daniel Moulton Esq at York this 17th day of June ~ Anno Domini 1779 Tim Frostller.