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                        Hilton Head S. C. Aug. 3rd 1863.

Dear Capt.

                 When I wrote my last 

the third since you left I thought I should not write again, thought it doubtful whether my last would reach you before you would start [word crossed out] back. But your last letter written at Augusta contained so doleful an account of your health that I am of opinion that you will not start back even at the end of your forty days.

         Were I there now to intrude my advice 

as I generally do you know. Should say to you to remain by all means till your health is well recovered. Do not think of starting back to this malarious Rest House till you are well [underlined] and tired [underlined] of staying in Maine. I blame myself for not staying longer than I did.

           I was sorry to hear that you are 

not (by reason of ill health) enjoying

[following text is written vertically in left margin] his duty is better that a prince that survives the desertion of it. Keep me posted as to the length of your stay. Write often. My regards to all at home Rose Mary, Lizzie and Albert. With love

           L. Alford