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        Major William Kendall; two Captains and three 

Subalterns from the 1. Regiment; two Captains & one Subaltern from the 2. Regiment; and two Captains & one Subaltern from the 3. Regiment, members.

      The Court will sit at the Dwellinghouse of William 

Pitt, innholder in Augusta, the eleventh of December next, the day appointed by the Division Order aforesaid, at 11 o' clock in the forenoon; of which all persons concerned are desired to take notice, and govern themselves accordingly.

      The Commandants of Regiments will be responsible for 

their respective details, as herein required, and that the Officers selected for the service aforesaid, in their respective Regiments, are seasonably and particularly notified thereof.

By order of B. Gen. Sewall, S. Howard jun, B. Major.

Division Orders, Pittston, Jany. 28. 1799.

At a Court-martial, held at Augusta, the 11. December last, and by adjournment the 22. instant, whereof Lieutenant-colonel-Commandant Chandler was president, was tried Captain Edmund