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delivered to you and is to correspond with the rolls of several companies & three fair copies thereof are to be returned to you with the copies and originals of the company rolls.

As soon as you receive the rolls of a regiment at the muster of which, I am present, you will examine them, correct the mistakes & certify them & delivery them to me, to be reexamined and abstracted.

Where the muster is completed without my presence, you will return the fairest copy of each set of rolls to me, without indorsment, to be by me abstracted, indorsed and forwarded to the Board of Treasury.

The rolls are not to be folded & indorsed or filed by the Officers till they are examined by me and returned.

Many other incidents may arise which cannot be foreseen, & therefore no directions can now be given about them. In such cases, you will exercise your own good judgement and discretion, & if at any time you are at at a loss how to act, I will be happy in solving your doubts and giving you any further directions.

I am [paper torn] Richard Varick

To Lieut. Sewall D.M.Mas

N.B. I purpose to superintend the muster of all the divisions and under my direction the necessary musters, your brother officers and yourself will so arrange the days of muster as not to interfere with such others. [?] brigades to muster in one day, the one at eight A.M. another at 3 P.M.

Yours etc. Richard Varick