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AMONG the Old Dominion's names, was one—"Sebasticook" It dowered, with its liquid-flow, the river and the brook With full inheritance, it owned a district, by its right And, now, in later days, it names a Maine electric-light. The men who turn the river's might to power, back again The men who make the forest serve the need of fellow-men, Who build, create, who till the soil, who make two blades to grow Where only one had grown before—these men but serve to show How native force and grit and grace can serve a man, in need And make him turn the vital thought to action and to deed.

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In Sicily they've heard of Hackett. The orange! Why he helps to pack it. His boxes give the wise Palerman an ideal way to "pass the lemon." These foreign fruits are hard on meter; but oranges are really sweeter. When "cabined" in these odorous woods; that cannot help improve the goods. For all their spiciest, fragrant uses, they get from out our pines and spruces, And thus these fruits, I-tal-i-an, pay tribute to a Pittsfield man.