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Cobble Court 1335 York Avenue New York City

                                                Jan 7th 1947

Dear Miss Jakobs,

                          There is no mystery - only that wonderful garbled certainty with which newspapers print errors.  I will send your letter on to Leonard Weisgard, and no telling what you'll get back.  
                        I have a house in a remote part of Vinel Haven - Wharfs Quarry, near Long Cove, among the smaller islands of Penobscot Bay.  Leonard Weisgard has often visited me there as well as having stayed there alone by himself.  I go up on May 23 rd and spend my summers there.  So you see how the whole book comes out of Maine and is Maine as in the [theme ?]  That an island is a part of the Maine. 
                                                       Margaret Wise Brown