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INTRODUCTION Surgical skills training has traditionally been limited to formalin embalming that does not provide a realistic model. The aim of this study was to qualitatively and quantitatively compare Thiel and phenol-based soft-embalming techniques qualitatively in a surgical training setup, and quantitatively by comparing the mechanical and histomorphometric properties of skin specimens embalmed using each method. MATERIALS AND METHODS Thirty-four participants were involved in surgical workshops comparing Thiel and phenol-based embalmed bodies. Participants were asked to evaluate the utility of the different models for surgical skills training. In parallel, tensile elasticity evaluation was performed on skin flaps from six fresh-frozen cadavers. Flaps were divided into three groups for each specimen fresh-frozen, Thiel, and phenol-based embalmed and compared together at 1 month or 1 year after embalming. A histological investigation of the skin structural properties was performed for each embalming type using haematoxylin and eosin and Masson's trichrome. RESULTS All participants rated the phenol-based specimens consistently better or equivalent to Thiel for the evaluated parameters. Quantitatively, there were statistically significant differences for the tensile elasticity between the embalming techniques (p  less then  .05). There were no significant differences for the tensile elasticity between phenol-based embalmed skin and fresh state (p = .30), and no significant difference between embalming time was reported (p = .47). Histologically, the integrity of the skin was better preserved with the phenol-based technique. CONCLUSION Phenol-based embalming provides as realistic or better of a model as Thiel embalming for surgical training skills and was generally preferred over Thiel model. The phenol-based embalming better preserved the integrity of the skin. © 2020 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The synthetic compound efsevin was recently identified to suppress arrhythmogenesis in models of cardiac arrhythmia, making it a promising candidate for antiarrhythmic therapy. Its activity was shown to be dependent on the voltage-dependent anion channel 2 (VDAC2) in the outer mitochondrial membrane. Here we investigated the molecular mechanism of the efsevin-VDAC2 interaction. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH To evaluate the functional interaction of efsevin and VDAC2 we measured currents through recombinant VDAC2 in planar lipid bilayers. Using molecular ligand-protein docking and mutational analysis we resolved the efsevin binding site on VDAC2. Finally, physiological consequences of the efsevin induced modulation of VDAC2 were analysed in HL-1 cardiomyocytes. KEY RESULTS In lipid bilayers efsevin reduced VDAC2 conductance and shifted the channel's open probability towards less anion-selective closed states. Efsevin binds to a binding pocket formed by the inner channel wall and the pore-lining N-terminal α-helix. Exchange of amino acids N207, K236, and N238 within this pocket for alanines abolished the channel's efsevin-responsiveness. find more Upon heterologous expression in HL-1 cardiomyocytes both channels, wild-type VDAC2 and the efsevin-insensitive VDAC2AAA restored mitochondrial Ca2+ uptake, but only wild-type VDAC2 was sensitive to efsevin. CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS In summary, our data indicate a direct interaction of efsevin with VDAC2 inside the channel pore that leads to modified gating and results in enhanced SR-mitochondria Ca2+ transfer. This study sheds new light on the function of VDAC2 and provides a basis for structure-aided chemical optimization of efsevin. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.During the last decades, mortality of acute myocardial infarction has been dramatically improved, however, the incidence of post-infarction heart failure is still increasing. Cardioprotection by ischemic conditioning have been discovered more than 3 decades ago, however, its clinical translation is still an unmet need, mainly due to the disrupted cardioprotective signalling pathways in the presence of different cardiovascular risk factors and comorbidities and their medications. Sensory neuropathy is one of the comorbidities that has been shown to interfere with cardioprotection. In the present review we summarize the diverse aetiology of sensory neuropathies and the mechanisms by which neuropathies may interfere with ischemic heart disease and cardioprotective signalling. Moreover, we suggest future therapeutic options targeting ischemic heart and sensory neuropathy simultaneously. This article is protected by copyright. All rights German Marshall H, Sinnott-Stutzman V, Ewing P et al. Effect of peritoneal lavage on bacterial isolates in 40 dogs with confirmed septic peritonitis. J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2019; 29 (6) 635–642 SEPTISCHE PERITONITIS (SP) IST EINE INFEKTION DER PERITONEALHöHLE, DIE HäUFIG DURCH EINE RUPTUR IM BEREICH DES GASTROINTESTINAL-, HEPATOBILIäR- ODER UROGENITALTRAKTS BEDINGT IST. IN DER HUMANMEDIZIN GILT EINE PERITONEALLAVAGE (PL) BEI SP ALS NICHT UNUMSTRITTEN, STELLT DENNOCH EINE HäUFIG ANGEWANDTE BEHANDLUNGSMETHODE DAR. BEI HUNDEN MIT SP LIEGEN NUR WENIGE ERKENNTNISSE ZUR ZUSAMMENSETZUNG DES BAKTERIELLEN SPEKTRUMS UND DER ANTIBIOTIKA-RESISTENZLAGE BZW. DEREN VERäNDERUNG IM VERLAUF EINER PL VOR. ZIEL DIESER STUDIE WAR, DIE MIKROBIOLOGISCHE ZUSAMMENSETZUNG, DIE ANTIBIOTIKASENSITIVITäT UND DAS ANTIBIOTIKA-RESISTENZMUSTER DER BAKTERIEN IN DER BAUCHHöHLENFLüSSIGKEIT VON HUNDEN MIT SP VOR UND NACH EINER PL ZU German Scotti KM, Koenigshof A, Sri-Jayantha LSH et al. Prognostic indicators in cats with septic peritonitis (2002–2015) 83 cases. Vet Emerg Crit Care 2019; 29 647–652 DIE SEPTISCHE PERITONITIS (SP) IST EINE LEBENSBEDROHLICHE ERKRANKUNG, BEI DER IN DER REGEL EINE LAPAROTOMIE INDIZIERT IST. ES LIEGEN NUR WENIGE INFORMATIONEN ZU PROGNOSTISCH VERWERTBAREN PARAMETERN FüR KATZEN VOR. IONISIERTES KALZIUM UND LAKTAT WURDEN IN DIESEM ZUSAMMENHANG IN VORANGEGANGENEN UNTERSUCHUNGEN BESCHRIEBEN. ZIEL DIESER STUDIE WAR ZU PRüFEN, INWIEFERN SICH BEFUNDE VON ALLGEMEIN- UND LABORUNTERSUCHUNGEN SOWIE ZEITINTERVALL BIS ZUR OPERATION, EMPIRISCHER ANTIBIOTIKAEINSATZ UND ERGEBNISSE DER MIKROBIOLOGISCHEN UNTERSUCHUNG ALS PROGNOSEINDIKATOREN EIGNEN.