User: LatriceEarle37

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ELIEZER: Even in the world where I’m right, and things proceed either rapidly or in a thresholded way where you don’t get unlimited free retries, that can be because the capability gains go too fast. It can be because, past a certain point, all of your AIs bide their time until they get strong enough, so you don’t get any true data on what they’re thinking. It could be because… GARY: Well, that’s an argument for example to work really hard on transparency and maybe not on technologies that are not transparent. GARY: I mean, there you talk about something we’ve talked about way too little, which is the political and social side of this. GARY: So, part of what has really motivated me in the last several months is worry about exactly that. So there’s what’s logically possible, and what’s politically possible. And I am really concerned that the politics of ‘let’s not lose out to China’ is going to keep us from doing the right thing, in terms of building the right moral systems, looking at the right range of problems and so forth.

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Over the next several decades, the frequency and severity of flooding events are projected to increase significantly, putting communities across the country at even greater levels of risk than we are currently experiencing. The economic costs and social ruptures of moving away from areas plagued by flooding and sea level rise will only become more challenging over time. Voluntary property acquisitions can be one of the most effective strategies to mitigate flood risk for individuals and communities in ways that enhance public safety and prosperity while also providing opportunities to restore or create green space and wetlands. But federal agencies must do more to coordinate and streamline financial resources, expertise, and lessons learned to support states and municipalities across the country in scoping, planning for, and funding buyout programs. As federal agencies increasingly direct resources toward reducing disaster risk, including through new programs such as BRIC, those efforts must be tailored to socially vulnerable communities that need them the most.

So why are many phishing emails poorly written? In this case, the most obvious answer is the correct one: the scammers aren’t very good at writing. Remember, many of them are from non-English-speaking countries and backgrounds where they will have limited access or opportunity to learn the language. With this in mind, it becomes much easier to spot the difference between a typo made by a legitimate sender and a scam. When crafting phishing messages, scammers often use a spellchecker or translation machine, giving them all the right words but not necessarily in the proper context. No individual word is misspelt, but the message contains grammatical errors that a native speaker wouldn’t make, such as “We detected something unusual to use an application”. Likewise, there are strings of missed words, such as “a malicious user might trying to access” and “Please contact Security Communication Center”. These are consistent with the kinds of mistakes people make when learning English. Any supposedly official message written this way is almost certainly a scam.

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