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House Journal 1836 (30-318951-P191B.pdf)


Houlton Road. Read & passed.

Bill - An Act additional to an Act to incorporate the Casco & Kennebec Canal Company was read 1st & 2d time & Wednesday next at ten oclock assigned for a third reading

Bill - An Act for the regulation of Inholders, Common Victuallers &c - was read once and indefinitely postponed in concurrence.

Bill - An Act to incorporate the Wiscasset Birch Point Mill Company - " " to incorporate the Perry Plaster Company - " additional act to incorporate the Moosehead dam Company - - " Act additional concerning highways - - " act additional to an act to prevent fraud in Firewood, Bark or Coal exposed for sale - - " Act authorizing the owners of Marsh or Back Creek, in the town of Woolwich to erect a Dike - - " Act to incorporate the Pembroke Milling Company - were severally read a third time and passed as amended to be engrossed. Sent up for concurrence.

Bill - An additional Act respecting pounds and impounding beasts going at large or damage feasant and stray Beasts was read a third time and amended &

Description: The journal of the House of Representatives documents the proceedings in the chamber, including actions taken on bills, petitions and reports from committees read, and votes taken. The journals are not transcripts and therefore do not include floor speeches that are found in the modern Legislative Records.

Link to document in Digital Maine

Language: English

Date: 1836

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