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Senate Journal 1837 (30-318514-P050A.pdf)

Friday, Jan. 20. 90.

voters in their several towns, cities, and plantation, and make record thereof - and the question of adopting said amendment, being ordered to be taken by yeas and nays was deceived in the negative, as follows, to writ: Yeas, Messrs. Benson, Carr, Magoun, Edward, Robinson, Elijah, Robinson, Severance, Smith, Staples and Whitney -------9. Nays. Messrs. Burr, Greene, Ham, Littlefield, Manning, Mildram, J.R. Redman, J. Redman, Rogers, Soule, Strickland, Swift, Talbot, Woodbury and Woodman ------ 15. And while the same was under discussion, on motion of Mr Littlefield. Ordered, that when the Senate adjourn, it adjourn till two o'clock in the afternoon. And the Senate accordingly


Afternoon. Met according to adjournment.

Bill for the removal of the Seat of government from Augusta to Portland was further considered. Mr Maqoun moved to strike out all of the first section after the word "State" in the amendment proposed by the House and insert in lieu thereof thirty days, at least before the first Wednesday of January next to be laid by him before the Legislature in the first week of the reset session - and if it shall

Description: The journal of the Senate documents the proceedings in the chamber, including actions taken on bills, petitions and reports from committees read, and votes taken. The journals are not transcripts and therefore do not include floor speeches that are found in the modern Legislative Records.

Link to document in Digital Maine

Language: English

Date: 1837

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