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�[There is an illegible sentence here, very faint] Page 65 Records of William P. Bunkers Family William P. Bunker was Born Cr. Isles May 4th 1829 Hannah [^Gilley written in another hand] Bunker his wife was Born June 3d, 1836. Willis E. Bunker. was Born March 6th 1855. George W. Bunker was Born Feb. 20, 1857. James H. Bunker [^?Bub or Bert Mills written in another hand] was Born May 23, 1859. Emily A. Bunker was Born December 3rd 1861. Zinaiah [?Benaiah?] Bunker was Born July 24th, 1863. Ada A Bunker " " June 10th 1866. [Error line crossed out] Elisha G. Bunker, Born " " " Nov 26th 1870. Henry A. Bunker " " " May 18th 1872 Clara B. Bunker " " " May 1st 1874 Nellie A Bunker " " " [?written above the date in another hand: July 20] May 18th 1875 Eva S. Bunker " " " Jan 1st[The #31 is written below the 1st I'm not sure what was intended] 1877.

Records of Deaths in William P. Bunker's Family Ada A. Bunker, Died at Cranberry Isles, April 8th 1869. [?1869 very faint].