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1965 (continued) r:;preocnt~tion of' f'oreir;n publichers of Finln.nd, 'ipi:tin, Horway, rte; -'.:1.dr; for book sGrviceri fJ'.'Om ?.O. 164,iAnhJ. ti~ncl,J.iri.ine. '.f:he B.B. volume - --4GDB "'.'tppcr'l.:!'.'ed. '"'nc1 ri.ttrrwted f!ome attention f'rom visiting friends of


\_,; Ifon:neth I·er-!.:,.doin VIor}::in.g here in Huntsville .. Wrote introduction in hologrnph for l."iri..n b3r 1 "1i1liaTP. Fn.ulkner 8,nd began the f'a.ntnst:i.c,:no rer:uJ:t rclntion. with ·2u~,lit;y J3ookc of' PhiJ.nd.eJnhir-l. thon.r.rh their cover :for edition of' -';;he l'i tzc:crn.ld bi blioern.phy did appear. ])id '.'!orrr:;oocl Rovicw -;/1'0-~~0;pub1:Lchcd. t.tr,r,ben Yimble 's th!,::sic. on ~ iller. ., .


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i.. or ,\.Lee ·roniec ::1....1.f.'O 8-p})cri.rea 0J1c1. WP..s reviewea

.1 one; r,::12,]. t:oc. 1. 8,i.;.rie!im·c1c b;,r Joc.'"1,1 pre Gs n:ncl elFewhere to ac.1vA.ntrt,ge. 1.:r-:i.de r.1any sP.les; vrnrked with J 01111 G.lfoorc on hie projoctD including A Letter to come :mP.inly cJurinc 1$66. ':ie:nt vac~.t±.0110 in Hu.ntf}ViJ.le mainly e:d1n.ur:;ted. Collected r:-io:?t of l)nt chem' r1 v10:rk r.nd seil.t on to Colby \'.fhcre collection is gT;roL1c :i::-1._I]idl~ of' nu:tocrnphecl workn only vin. me. Attendecl opening of Fu.nt:-:vLLlc ~; tbrru~y b1.J..t :·::P:.inl;y a cecJ udsrl, f'rc1.5ri.l lif'G srwi:ng 0vcr;y-thing ·Por h01"'8 of 0.,,.1 .1-·n,·,-/~1· t·u+e o:r.'·' F "\T o,rr-,1 ·f")·,1c"t. {;""I.- f'e-1~r L! -r-'t,;r") n+u.r'len-1:r·, ·: .ni' l .,.:J. '""1' • l,.,·""" .;:,.J

l.'1·01: ~:;,:-:i:n.:::l 1:i.. .i-tc.,r-::::,:-.i:.tE±:t::::x r..rtintc rtll r1rt:.0.tinr-; ~- chr..:ncc. '. ant out

7.:PJ1y t;y-pc of .07". thingr, incJucli:ng 6.rnxr:i.r:.e;s, :G'ounclr, ru1d r.:ic:;. ,'fork v,i th Hu.tlod.gc about over ••• too tired to uon.tinue mo..inly. >till 1.-u1der press1..u-·ec of thu croup to r;et :-:.lone n:t vrork. 2 ember of the locnl .r.;r--,lon o:f Ycvr,, Dn::r:t:inr:, ri.. ~d:r:.cl of high IJOint hr1re cul"curfilly •• meeting 1':t her f'"' :rr:1 hm.1-3 in ~ oncy, Al2.bru:n2...













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TI'.J\.E •• s:oclmict=tl J?nginooring Ju.:;oociatcc I.obilized reorco.nized. i:::.:ta.:n.cc, ::JNIA Join,Jd Vol1..mtoers f'o::c Internn:"Gion2.l i·ochnicnl

- cc to ArDcricf1,;

Cor-p:::~;Voluntcers in }; IntGrnr:.tional AfoOir2d;ru1co

.cr,.ricc Corps of Hetirc:d Rxocutives ri.11 as hed.s,,<'for the future,

r;i:alilarly continuing on litts of AtoI1lic Energyi:Oommicsion, 1.:p;'cion8.l Counc:"-"' col of Churche,~, CAI{E, Inc, Co.m.::litte on I.7'"'..npower,:,;~l)tYorttmit ..::r; in Inrael, Let.t.odict. Committee for Oversea Relief, Unit~$:~1 ~;ervice Gomm.ittec, l'o,r :Last Fotu1<la.tion, vhurch \1orld Service, UJT.ES \all oversea.a and bGt,1.U1 moctl;y" during o~:cly \Ialdrrick days a.nd <"' lier, ever ho:ping to 1,,olrn it overccns r,cnin at t';Omeone 's expense •.~swcrecl many technical a,dr:: in looo.l Hw.:.tEnriJ.le papers on this basis '._lzl.l;e;o .continue to go"'li .=. ·.1."'o·rr.,-.. :,· ·J.·:>-,..o··'" TJ: ,·:·:·,· ('O ..,.,.,c1 .~ -:~o~n.;c r.ine·,..cry · C'o.•~mi 1·. """'.1·.on.·.·,.;A.!...'i<,e<1· "1 C,)' on° no,.-t~ f'or _ ..L,6 for.r.1or in J·aca1""'t::i. I:.1doinesia ru-.1.d si{;lu.:ng on for one in 13raziJ. •• all long processes requiring more self investigation or rflther inventigRtion of :r.1e,~n.y pnst, refc:re:r~ccs, etc.-r ije11ee E. :.>:iJnon does: a p~rtin.1 bibliography n. ffLr:.rt ren.ll~r 011 the Ill, colle~;tionat UCLA • .life bc:ei:irn: active dn.i::.y 1 e,L:f ::rtudy v:f .,pe..:nish. Correspondence 'Hi th Dick Higgi:nr:: 8-:!1.cl h:U,'. group .J.,..i.~


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f,·,y.,.lroncl~c.c1 by !'1.J.""0"11 1' .·or,·:e+:-1:i.'J:"ll' ·:·,:1c,,.,., ·p-,-.r,q5•1·.,.'e.,1·\y '.';(r "/n"ilnc·::, !'.'l"nd o·l-]1°:i::' • •·".t. .:.· . -; J.,.-~ •. lJ. V ·.. -.,,.. ~-~ .... 'I•.:,..J!'j f~ J-.j, .,,,. - • ...... t....•• -,·-·-•··.r.. ~ v-• ' V- \..A.. Inst:.t tute of the .lunericas in :io.11 Jau...11 t1..d; no·thing h8.ppens. Interno.tion:,.1

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i 1J.blished: Hr~rry 3mvdm1, EiG .Jtu.dio o.ncl \"!ork; Wer:n.her vonJ=raw:.: ::-,i blio-

..-,.rqDhv f'nd '.,elc,ctecl l'f",:nerr:: ·,Cut L0n.ves ( tv10 versionr,). fr•.YF3J. 0'1.ct.irn. Dietr·ich promiF;e to publish two art works in :10,:;t Gerr:in.ny. \'i tles at . Y10rk. incl1.2.de : "1.!'ull Dn.rn:tion CP.pti ve I11 iri:ng of :;-IC }i'J.ight .tr-,,&e ...,,.,d rl'h'-'iJ:' liti 'l iz 0 ti0ll 11 i·--, .: r,1-J-i i J.• 1"V . ts·i,1·,· II ...,,.·,a." li'··,·vR+e·"1 ·,·,'etl"OdQ1.Qf':J.. cJ ..._. ~-•.__.,.~, ...;r.J ~~oo-re '=1 -·a." ··,1.·t11 t..·1·ohrl G•J.': - · , I)'"'""'"",:::,.,,n..., on"""'"' .,..,,,i...,1,;c,.., .... ;on ",r.. ·J··r++,..,r" ""

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.. -;' t,().:..·.:~t;! f'.(ldi tionr:: :for the f'rench odi tiOJ~ of ·:·poerri' s 1rote 23 p-::i[_r1:: w:: r.nto<..t(Jt;eu ;.1'0!)oc;1·8.phy; [nxpplied Lav1r0nce lipton ·f'!. long 1i:::'.t of notes fo::c his :p:rojccted book on culturri.l r>rogresr:: in California 1945-1955 1)uriod n.nd hie book tentatively called "The Grrrni:n.g :Edgell.(}u.ality Books V B1ilad.c,-,.,:'.hi'1- conti11ucs with delays, stB-lling,no n.nF:wers oven on phone cnllc.:PubJ.ir;he<l 11 L"i.or:cowt1,ln.st of' 1961 trip influonccs.hur:oum of );odern Art j..,; brary, r evr York com.plet en its collect ion of r:iy works ~







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totaling 18 titles in all



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