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Remonstrance of Nathaniel Greene & als against the petition of Robert Patten & als of John Darris & als of Hallowell agst the petition of Rufus K Page & al were severally read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Lemuel Smith & others that certain monies paid by them to the Land Agents may be refunded was read & referred to the committee on State Lands. Sent up for concurrence.

Agreeably to assignment the two Houses met in convention for the purpose of choosing seven Councillors and a Secretary and Treasurer of State - Messrs Ingalls, Healey, Swan of Portland, White of Monmouth & Scamman of Saco were appointed a committee to receive sort & Count the votes for seven Councillors - - on motion of Mr Clark of Hallowell it was ordered, That the ballot for Councillors contains the names of seven persons each.

Mr Smith of Nobleboro then moved the following preamble & Order, "Whereas Nathan D Appleton, Abijah Usher Junior & John Bodwell appear in this Convention claiming to act therein, as Senators from the County of York, and whereas said Appleton, Usher & Bodwell have not been duly & constitutionally elected as such - Therefore

Ordered, That the Committee which are or may be appointed to receive, sort & count the votes given in this convention be instructed not to receive ballots from the said Appleton, Usher & Bodwell - - The Secretary of the Senate, on motion by Mr Kent of Bangor, read portions of the Journal of the Senate relating to the proceedings of Senate as regards the elections ect of said Appleton, Usher & Bodwell -

The business of the Convention not being accomplished it was

 Ordered that the convention now separate and that they meet again at three oclock this afternoon.
