
From DigitalMaine Transcription Project
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rl.H.PORTER _6621 C.1-1.LIFORNlA SThEET SAN FH.ANC1SCO 21 ChLIFOH.NIA April 12,1956 Stat e .ui br&ry HUgusta,i'"aine At tention: Maine .1-1.uthor Collection .i3ern&.rd HarLien r'or ter, Hou.i t ,;n, i,,e alsd Bern ? 0 r ter, rl . P . Po rter uent.u::imen: At this time .l. am interested in O!'inting my collection u_;;:, t.o uate viith a.rticles,books,hrt,ectited pi eces etc . .because lam ve r;f va 6 ue ao0ut the point whe r e I stopped l a m in a 4ua.mlary v,hether to as k v,hat you huve or what you ao n 1 t hav-e of mine . ~inc e the l ist has become -1ui te lengthy in recent years perha,:is t he quickest way would. oe to ask your he.J.p in listing what you have and I can continue from there. l a.J.SO seent to remember thht you assisted with 1:.he postage in some fashion 1:1.nd I am now wondering if you ca n fl.1.so hel.iJ on the basic cost of certai n items a na to 17he1t extent.

'l hank you kindly for your cooperation in this matter.