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MONG the Old Dominion's nanles, was one--"Sebasticool~" It dowered, with its liquid-flow, the river and the lwook With full inheritance, it owned a district, by its right And, now, in later days, it names a Maine electric-light. TIle men who turn the river'S might to power, bacl, aga,i n The men who make the forest serve the need of fellow-men, Who build, create, who till the soil, who make two blades to grow 'Vhere only one had grown before-thcse men but sel've to show How native forcc and grit ancl grace can serve a man, in nCl"d And make him turn the vital thoug'ht to action and to deC{l.

';: *. In Sicily they've hea,r d of Hackett. The orange! "Why he helps to pack it. His boxes give tbe wise Palm'man an ideal way to "pass tbe lemon." These foreign fruits are hard on meter; but oranges are really sweeter. When "cabined" in these odorous woods; that cannot help improve the goods. For all their spiciest, fl'agl'ant uses, they g<'t from out our pines and spruces, Anel thus these fruits, I-tal-i-an, pay tribute to a Pittgfielcl man.
