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Afternoon. Met according to adjournment

On motion of Mr Boutelle of Waterville, Ordered, That the letter of the Treasurer of State on the State of the Tenances [?] be committed to the committee on Finance - read & passed.

Petition of John Bodwell & als of Shapleigh for a division of said town and Memoral of John Bodwell & al, on the same subject were severally read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of towns. Sent up for concurrence

Petition of Thomas H Nocross of Jackson for an additional person, was read & referred to the committee on application from sick & wounded soldiers. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Henry Ilsley of Westbrook, that his son Henry may be allowed to take the name of Henry Ilsley, was read & referred to the committee on Elections.

The House resumed the consideration of the report of the joint committee appointed to examine the returns of notes given for governor - the question being on the motion of Mr Ruggles to amend " so as to allow and count the votes given in, on the town of Hermon for the persons for when they were respectively given" and this question was taken by yeas & nays and decided in the negative as follow yeas 70, nays 74 (see appendix page 265). Mr Smith of Nobleboro then moved to amend ' by inserting in the report, the votes from the town of Baileyville according to the returns of the same" but before the question was taken the House



James L Child
