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112 Report on the petition of Eliphalet Perkins & al granting an order of Notice, was read & accepted in concurrence with the Senate.

Petition of Edward Russell, administrator on the estate of Thomas DeCarteret for leave to sell real estate, was read & referred to the committee on the Judiciary. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of Samuel Winter & als & report thereon, taken from the last years files of the Senate, came down referred to the committee on the Judiciary for concurrence, and the House concurred.

Petition of Thomas T. Stone & others for a law to prohibit the use of distilled spirits at Military Reviews and trainings, was read and referred to the committee on the Militia & military affairs. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of George Downes & others for a Bank at Calais, was read & referred to the committee on Banks & Banking. Sent up for concurrence.

Bill to annex a part of the town of Canton to the town of Jay taken from last years files of the Senate & sent down, was read & referred to the committee on the incorporation of Towns. Sent up for concurrence.

Petition of John P. Hubbard & al & report thereon, taken from last years files of the Senate & sent down, was read & referred to the committee on Interior Fisheries.

Petition of the Selectmen of Clinton & others taken from last years files of the Senate & sent down, was referred in concurrence with the Senate to the committee on Interior Fisheries.

Petition of Pelatiah Leach & als for a law repealing certain restrictions in relation to the taking of Fish on the East side of Penobscot River, was read & referred to the committee on Interior Fisheries.