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Friday next at 11 oclock be assigned for the consideration of the subject and that the committee on Election be instructed to report to the House, the facts in the case - read & passed.

The committee on contested elections who instructed by the House to enquire whether any person is returned as a member of this House, who had not been for three months next proceeding the time of his elections and does not continue to be a resident in the town or district, which he represent &c reported the following Resolution viz, Resolved, That William Freeman the setting member in this House as Representative from the district composed of Cherryfield, Steuben & Harrington, was a resident of said District for three months at least next preceding the time of his election & continues to be a resident of said District agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution & is entitled to hold his seat. On motion, The House assigned Thursday next at ten oclock to consider the subject.