File #30391: "14-354688-F015-I001-P985.pdf"





A. We do not regard that at all.
Q. So if attendants do that they
do not violate any rule you intend
to enforce at all A. No, sir. You
could not have such a rule and
have safety. They are required
to report afterwards to some officer.
By Dr. Butler:
Q. What kind of bath tubs are they
using in the old rooms where
new have not been put in
A. Cast iron tubs, painted on the
inside and out.
Q. Is the paint off on the inside
more or less A. It wears off
and then it is renewed.
Q. Would you like to bathe in them
A. I have bathed in them before we
had others. There were used by the officers.
Q Did you bathe in the tubs that
you knew had been used for the
practices that have been described here
A. If properly cleaned.
Q. Just before you had any of these
modern bath (tubs crossed out) rooms did you have
reason to believe that the bath tub in

