File #30463: "14-354688-F017-I001-P1057.pdf"




would be some where else. it was
merely supplementary to the other and
intended for the patients who stay in
the lodge halls to come up and
put their feet to if they had any desire
to in case the floor should be cooler
than the upper part of the room.
Q. The upper tier of lodges has always
had more heat, has it by reason of
the natural rising of the heat
A. that is the natural law of heat; it will rise.
Q. Has it always been found to be
hotter on that account
A. yes sir, all the upper floors through the building
Q. No local coils have been put into
the upper lodges have there.
A. I think not.
Q. Had any of those local coils been put
in before you came there or all
A. I think they have all been
put in since, but there may have
been one exception. I think, however, they
have all been put in under my notice.
Q. They haven't been put in all at
once but from time to time
A. As the superintendent might think

