File #30469: "14-354688-F017-I001-P1063.pdf"




Q How much would it vary anyway from what you have stated
A. I will simply say that this thing was repeated several times, and it was a matter of common experience, and I frequently went there alone, myself, for that purpose. The results of it all was I thought the lodges were warm enough for such cases. I did see them on one or two occasions when I thought the were to cold, even in the daytime, and there might have been one or two cases this winter when it was about impossible to carry the third male wing, the whole of it, lodge and all up to a proper degree of heat, but only for a few hours, then it was not at a point where anyone would suffer. But we didn't get it up to the superintendents limit, and that had a reason which I would be glad to explain.
Q. The same as any private family has difficulty in keeping house warm in the morning?
A. Yes Sir, and would last but a very few hours.
Q. You said it had a reason

